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Learning how to curtsy!

Who would have thought I would be learning how to curtsy at the Cambridgeshire East STEM day? Well, I did! A wonderful group of Rainbows full of smiles and obviously enjoying their day met myself and their county commissioner, Claire. Having been told we were important, a Rainbow decided we needed to curtsy to Claire and proceeded to teach us. She really made me chuckle, using her t-shirt as a skirt and doing an amazing curtsy, your majesty. The joy of Rainbows! The STEM day was great, with over 100 volunteers present who were nothing to do with guiding. A fantastic day of learning about all things STEM. Lots of discovery and great activities. It certainly was a success.

This month I have also been to St Albans Gang Show, a great show with scouting and guiding working together to put on a show, which was fabulous. Great singing and dancing with some humour with the front curtain numbers. Well done St Albans!

We have just celebrated World Thinking Day and I saw from posts on Facebook there were lots of events taking place all over the region to celebrate. I was fortunate to join a celebration in the Stevenage area, lots of activities to get the girls to think about why they belong to guiding and activities to make to take home. We were lucky enough to be joined by Julie Bell, Deputy Chief Guide and the Chiefs team who travelled across all regions. I had a lovely afternoon chatting with the girls and leaders from the area. Thank you again for letting me join you. Please do invite Andrea and I to events and activities, we love to visit you across the region and do our best to attend everything we are invited too.


Congratulations to Sue Carpenter who recently received a well-deserved Laurel award, I was sorry not to be there, but I know Sue was really surprised!

I couldn’t end without just mentioning the Membership subscription payments which are now due – I’m sure you are all taking action to pay these promptly and I thank you in advance.

Keep Smiling Tracy
