Pass it on.
Volunteer with us and share what makes you amazing.

Join us this Earth Day 2024!

The RSPB and Girlguiding Anglia are excited to offer girls a fun filled day out at one of the RSPB’s 3 nature reserves – Minsmere (Suffolk), Rainham Marshes (Essex), The Lodge (Bedfordshire).

Each reserve event will offer a variety of outdoor activities where girls will be adventurers, exploring the unique environment of the reserve and discover new and exciting creatures.

These nature events will be led by the knowledgeable RSPB teams alongside instructions for leader-led activities where relevant.

When and where?

All reserves will carry out the activities on Saturday 20 April 2024. Bookings are now closed for the events.

There are 3 different nature reserves available to choose from, each in a different location with varying capacities.

Minsmere (Suffolk)

Rainham Marshes (Essex)

The Lodge (Bedfordshire)

The reserves have limited parking space, as a result we encourage group travel by public transport, coach, minibus, or carpool.

What’s on offer?

Each reserve has slightly different offerings, based on location. However, all girls attending the event will be able to experience the unique environment of the reserve and discover what creatures lurk and live in each zone and habitat of the reserve.

All attendees will receive an Earth Day badge upon completing the activities of the day.

Who can attend the event?

We welcome all girls from all sections with their leaders and young leaders to attend. Please be advised that each location has varying activities and capacities and should be booked accordingly.

How much is it and how do I book?

We are currently waiting to hear back about a grant which would greatly subsidise the cost of the event. Currently without the grant, tickets will be around £9 for under 18s with adult leaders going free.

Other important information

Upon booking, leaders will be sent final details including photo permission forms for both Girlguiding Anglia and the RSPB.

Things may seem to have been quiet on the international front, recently – but we’ve been very busy in the background!

We’re ready to get back to international after the difficulty of the pandemic, with a fantastic team from across the region. Our team have been working hard encouraging units, districts, and divisions in their area to travel. It was great to see international visits being made by Anglia members in 2023. If you were one of those members and would love to write a blog about your experience, please get in touch with

In May, to help us prepare for future international events, we held a tea party for leaders interested in joining leadership teams. This was a wonderful way to meet members who are interested in travel and has enabled us to capture details of those who wish to get involved.

What’s coming up?

March training weekend – information updated 4 January 2024

There is a training weekend at Hautbois at the beginning of March.  This is aimed at leaders who are thinking about undertaking the going away with (GAW) international module. It’s also for those who already hold that qualification and are perhaps considering challenging themselves to bigger adventures further away.

Bookings through Hautbois Activity Centre are now open: book here.

International selection weekends – information updated 4 January 2024

There will be an annual Anglia selection event in September/October, starting in 2024. To attend, girls must be aged 14+ at the start of the school holiday in which the trip will take place. They must also have been selected by their county. Details of the regional trips on offer (including their dates and costs) will be made available beforehand. The region international team are currently looking at some great opportunities for our young members.

India and Switzerland trips

We invited expressions of interest for adult trips to Switzerland and India, the responses were overwhelming! There will be an initial trip to Sangam in August 2024 with others to hopefully follow. There is also likely to be a variety of 2025 trips to Switzerland. These will be held at different times of the year with opportunities to stay at Our Chalet, in Adelboden, or at Kandersteg. We can’t promise enough spaces for everyone that is currently interested but we’ll do our best so please keep us informed if you’d like to be considered.

If you’re interested in either of these trips and haven’t received information following your expression of interest, please get in touch with us at Please note, our bookings for Switzerland 2024 are now closed.

The team and I are really excited to get Anglia on the move again and we’re working hard to ensure our offer is accessible, affordable and inclusive to all our members. Look out for more exciting information coming in 2024.

Best wishes

Tina and the international team.

It feels like such a long time since I last wrote the introduction for Signpost but in that time, you’ve heard from my deputy, Claire, and my assistants, Chris and Charlotte. I hope you enjoyed reading their introductions – there will be more from them to come!

Awards season adventures

I’m typing this introduction whilst in a hotel room before I visit Lincolnshire South for their awards afternoon. I’ve visited a couple of counties recently and been able to thank members personally for the wonderful things they do. Just last weekend, I visited Bedfordshire county for their Valuing Volunteers afternoon tea; it was a pleasure to present awards to some of the members. Congratulations to all members who have received an award recently – it is well deserved. While travelling around the region and meeting more and more members, I’m inspired by the wonderful volunteers we have in Anglia. You’re inspirational… Pass it on. Never a truer word has been spoken.

Yesterday, I was in London at Girlguiding Celebrates. Who doesn’t like the red-carpet treatment? It was excellent meeting a more members from the region from Guiding Stars, Queen’s Guides, Laurel awardees and Silver Fish awardees. Not to mention the volunteers nominated from up and down the region. I’m just sorry that I didn’t get to say hello to a few more of you.

With Christmas approaching (very quickly), I hope you’re enjoying the build up to the festive season and preparing to celebrate with your families. At my Brownies, we’re looking forward to the Odeon showing of Wish and then a special Christmas dinner, Brownie style!

Enjoy the run up to Christmas with your units and, most importantly, enjoy a well-earned break over the Christmas holidays. Raise a glass to yourselves for the amazing and inspirational adventures you have offered girls all over Anglia this year.

Wishing you all a very happy Christmas and a wonderful 2024.


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  • Go to My Units
  • Select the unit that you wish to update
  • Scroll down to the following field:

  • Click on the Edit button
  • Make the necessary changes to the Unit Capacity (bottom of the new window)

  • Click Submit (top of the window)

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