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Blog / August 31st, 2021

County Spotlight: Hertfordshire

Who doesn’t love a badge? Despite challenges of the last year or so, the team in Girlguiding Hertfordshire has gone from strength to strength.  Units have been meeting online and many returned to face-to-face just as soon as it was allowed.    During Lockdown, we introduced flexible units to allow girls to take part when their…

Blog / August 31st, 2021

Chief Commissioners Blog

I want to send my continued thanks to everyone who has completed First Aid, Safe Space training and DBS renewals over these last few weeks. Thanks also to all those who have delivered training sessions and supported the completion of the many DBS renewals. We are now reaching the compliance deadline for DBS renewals for…

Blog / July 30th, 2021

Chief Commissioners Blog

Did you take part in Fiesta Fun? What a great weekend of videos and activities with a resource pack which included lots of ideas, which we can continue to use over the coming months. Thank you to all members of the task and finish group for putting this event together. Fiesta Fun continues the celebrations…

Blog / July 29th, 2021

County Spotlight – Essex West

County Spotlight – Essex West Essex West comprises of ten Guiding Divisions and stretches from the Thames in the south to the Cambridge border in the north. It is home to about 3.5 thousand members aged 5+ to the Trefoil Guild. This has been an unprecedented year not just for Girlguiding but for the whole…