Stand with us
Girlguiding Anglia is a trusted partner for organisations looking to empower girls and young women, and make a difference in their communities.
Through Girlguiding Anglia, corporate partners can connect directly with girls, young women, and volunteers through tailored programs, mentorship, and community projects that match their values and goals.
Why partner with us
Girlguiding Anglia is the leading charity for girls and young women made up of 50,000 girls and volunteer and is based in 12 counties across the region.
Our extensive network and expertise in youth development ensures partners see real results like increased brand visibility, engaged employees, and measurable social impact while building lasting connections with communities across the region.
Brand reputation
Association with the UK’s leading charity for girls and young women.
Brand visibility
Access to our extensive community made up of 50,000 girls and volunteers over 12 counties in the East of England.
Employee satisfaction
Find purpose, enjoyment and personal growth while building lasting connections with communities.
Social Impact
Demonstrate your dedication to gender equality, youth empowerment, and community growth.
Who you're helping
Girlguiding Anglia is dedicated to enabling girls and young women to develop their potential and make a difference in the world.
Partnering with Girlguiding Anglia will have a huge impact on our girls, and working together will enable us to bring new and exciting opportunities to our members that wouldn’t be possible without your support.
Our partnership stories
We were delighted to announce our partnership with RSPB at the end of 2021. After the success of our partnership in 2021 and 2022, in 2023 we are continuing to work together on creating exceptional experiences for our girls and volunteers. A big part of this has been our collaboration on a fantastic new challenge pack called Feel Good in Nature.
Easyfundraising has worked alongside Girlguiding for
many years, but more recently we have been working
more closely in partnership to bring more fundraising
opportunities to the units in our region. easyfundraising
is a simple and free way for units to raise funds for trips,
camps, craft supplies, equipment, or anything else that
will improve girls’ experience of Girlguiding.
Our Impact
Our impact story
Each year Girlguiding Anglia produces an impact report detailing activities, key opportunities, and notable achievements at region over the past calendar year.
Our 2021-2026 strategy
Together we will value, sustain, and recover our region by stabilising and empowering our membership, strengthening our brand, and expanding external relationships.
Meet the partnerships team
Abbie Niroomand-Rad
Events and partnerships coordinator
Henry Hunter Swann
Marketing and communications officer