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Walking events

Girlguiding Anglia walking events and training take place regularly all over the country. All information can be found on this page.

We have some fantastic opportunities coming up with our walking team. Check out the details below and save the dates in your diary. More information on bookings will be coming soon, so make sure to check back here or keep up to date on our social media channels.

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Rangers Alps adventure

Join the walking team for a hike in the Swiss alps to celebrate 110 years of Rangers. This adventure is open to Rangers and Young Leaders (14-18) at time of departure, 8 August 2026. Flights depart from London and arrive in Geneva with indoor accommodation at KISC (Kandersteg International Scout Centre) and returning 15 August 2026.

Rangers who will be over 18 by the time of the trip will be considered if there are spaces available.

The cost of the trip is £1600. The cost includes both the pre-trip briefing weekend and all costs in Switzerland, it doesn’t include travel to either the Peak district or London airport. It also includes an item of event clothing and a special event badge. The essential pre-trip briefing weekend is in the peak district, 18 – 20 July 2025.

Walks will be at altitude and will entail walking up to 20 km a day carrying a day bag, so a good level of fitness is required. If you have completed your Gold DofE or similar this trip is for you (DofE is by no means a requirement). See the images for an indication of altitude and terrain.

In addition to the walks, there will be a chance to visit Our Chalet and experience a night in a Swiss mountain hut.

E-mail to register your interest. Application form can be found here